

In the year 2000 the central agrochemical laboratory of soil, water and fertilizers “Demeter” on the basis of the agrochemical laboratory of the plant within the limits of the state program of Netherland - East European cooperation was created. The head of the laboratory is Gordiy Antonina Nikolayevna.

Today the laboratory has modern computer – controlled equipment allowing us to define 17 macro and micro  elements.

The process of analysis is fully automated from   placing a sample on the device to obtaining analysis results, which excludes any possibility of an error. To control the  operation of devices  reference solutions approved by the State standard are used.


Primery goals of the laboratory:

  • analysis of the extracts of growing medium and control of making mother solutions;
  • analysis of irrigation water;
  • formulation and correction of formulas (with taking into account the crop, stage of a plant development and analysis for remains in the growing medium);
  • determination of nitrate in the products and issuing certificates.

Work of the laboratory is controlled by the State standard that performs attestation three times a year and gives permissions for carrying out measurements in the field of field control and safety of food products.


Certificat GLOBALG.A.P. - 2012


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