
Uman Greenhouse Plant has reduced gas consumption tenfold 30.01.2020

Uman Greenhouse Plant has reduced gas consumption by 10 times compared to the Soviet era from 5-6 m3 of gas per 1 kg of product to 0.6 m3 per 1 kg of product due to partial replacement with other fuels, use of curtains and modern heating systems.

This was reported by NV-Business.

During the year, the company uses almost 100 thousand Gcal of heat and approximately 80 million kWh of electricity.

"It's a really big expense. But now these costs have decreased 10 times compared to the Soviet era, when we spent on the production of 1 kg of vegetables 5-6 cubic meters of gas. Now this figure is 0.6 cubic meters. m of gas per 1 kg of vegetables. Such an impressive result of modernization of production. We use new greenhouses with curtains, we apply the night tariff for heating, we use alternative types of heating on renewable heat sources from chips, pellets from sunflower husk - they now fully operate a boiler room with a capacity of 8 Gcal in Talne. The project of the same boiler house is nearing completion in Uman. Uman's UTK site is now heated by an innovative Swedish electrode boiler with a capacity of 40 MW, ”said Mykola Hordiy, director of the Uman Greenhouse Plant.

The company also transferred 17 hectares of greenhouses to the lighting system in winter. The Uman Greenhouse Plant uses an innovative technology of growing in raised trays, which improves the thermal balance of the substrate, improves ventilation and makes plant care more convenient.

January 24, 2020, 11:01

Diplomas and awards

Cup of the regional winner of the All-Ukrainian contest of quality products "100 best goods of Ukraine" (2009)


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