
The first industrial greenhouse using Philips LED has been created in Uman 01.02.2013

Due to the installation at Uman Greenhouse Company (UGC) of 1230 GreenPower LED lighting modules produced by the world leader of lighting solutions Royal Philips Electronics the first in the world commercial-scale greenhouse with LED lighting system has been created in Uman.

Uman greenhouse company greenhouse industrial complex with Philips Company began in 2008. At that time the Company built 8 greenhouses meeting the European Standards and technologies and installed Philips GreenPower 1000W SON-T lighting solutions there. In 2010 the UGC updated the lighting system in its greenhouses by installing GreenPower LED lighting modules working in testing mode on the area of 100 m2.

Innovative industrial installation of LED lighting systems at Uman Greenhouse Company has been performed in the beginning of 2012. Total area of the part of the greenhouse lighted with integrated LED and sodium lamps makes about 6000 m2. Totally, there are 1230 LED lighting modules and 870 sodium lamps produced by Philips in this hyper-modern greenhouse. This project is a joint work of Uman Greenhouse Company and Philips Company.

Vadim Polyakovsky, OEM Horti Key Account Manager Eastern Europe mentioned: “Due to the use of modern technologies Ukraine has shown an important progress in the greenhouse business. It is confirmed by the project we have started in Uman. If previously we only conducted experiments with LED lighting systems, then this greenhouse represents a real hyper modern agricultural enterprise in Ukraine with the use of the most progressive lighting solutions of Philips. Such an enterprise has existed neither in Holland nor in any other place of the world!”

Use of hyper modern LED equipment in Uman greenhouses makes Ukraine one of the pioneers in the field of the development of innovative technologies of greenhouse companies. At the same time the additional lighting for the increase of the harvest is not used at all in most part of Ukrainian greenhouses, though the use of special lighting solutions makes it possible to crop vegetables during the most profitable period from January to June, when they have not been ripened in the fields and gardens.

In November 2011 UGC decided to upscale the project and to equip an area of 0.625 hectare with a hybrid lighting system of LED interlighting.

The creation of the innovative greenhouse was preceded by pilot projects in Ukraine (Uman) and Holland. LED modules had been used in testing mode as additional lighting systems on the area of 1000 m2. the experiments showed that the crop capacity of tomatoes can make up to 73 kg/m2 per year or even more.

Our enterprise is known by the fact that we calculate each our step. Every investment shall be based on an important economical ground. We are satisfied with the results of the tests conducted for Philips GreenPower LED lighting module. Such innovative solutions have a direct influence on our business by increasing the crop capacity and, therefore, the profitability. At the same time the experiment confirmed large possibilities of the Philips LED lighting modules in energy saving. It is very important for the greenhouse business. According to results of the experiment, we have made the decision to pass from tests to production by creating the world’s first greenhouse of such a scale,” told the Director of Uman greenhouse company Nikolay Gordiy.

Green Power LED Interlighting modules:

• Are used for inter-row additional lighting of plants in industrial greenhouses.

• Ensure saving costs while improving productivity due to low electric power consumption (single double-ended module of 2.5 m consumes 115 W only).

• Are all-aluminum and fully protected against ingress of dust and moisture

• Have optimal level of lighting and specter determined during more than 30 tests in place are used for the growth of plants.

GreenPower lamps and GreenVision 1000W ballast:

• Are used to improve the performance of the greenhouses.

• Replaced the system with the traditional electromagnetic ballasts.

• Reduce the load on the greenhouse. The new system compared to the traditional weights about 5 kg less per one point of light.

• Have long period of life and greater resistance to thermal stress.

• Increase productivity by 25%.