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Energy to Uman greenhouse complex 01.12.2011

Uman greenhouse complex (UGC) in Uman (Central Ukraine), an ancient town with a heroic past. Products UGC is widely known in Ukraine and abroad under the brand name "From the garden." Only the freshest, though still covered with dew, fruits and vegetables come “from the garden” on the consumer’s table.

UGC greenhouses are in Uman, 200 km from the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, as well as enterprise branch offices - in cities Khrystynivka and Talne, Cherkasy Region. The total area of greenhouses is more than 30 hectares. UGC specializes in growing of greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers. In 2006, the greenhouses gave 6492 tons of tomatoes and 1677 tons of cucumbers. In 2007 the harvest was 50 kg of tomatoes and 33 kg cucumbers per one square meter. UGC policy is aimed at a constant improvement of quality and freshness of the product.

In order to optimize production and increase the effective return on investment in greenhouses UGC had decided to install a cogeneration system (Mini-TES). Cost-effectiveness of this decision stems from the fact that in addition to electricity generation, cogeneration plant generates heat and CO2 are needed to stimulate plant growth.

Official dealer of Caterpillar Company "Zeppelin Ukraine” was chosen for the installation of cogeneration systems for several reasons. Among them we can enumerate the complete solutions using power modules Caterpillar, high level of technical support, experience and exceptional service capabilities of the product in Ukraine. To accomplish the UGC task Caterpillar dealer company "Zeppelin Ukraine” placed in the boiler room the complex enterprise grid Caterpillar, consisting of three generating plants Cat ® G3520C. The system installed in 2008 and is based on the solutions for Europe, Africa, Middle East and CIS. The system includes a module for condensing water for heat recovery of water jacket and the coolant heat exchanger, heat recovery unit of exhaust gases, the control panel of parallel operation with automatic synchronization with the supply of medium voltage power network, the means of remote control and comprehensive protection of the generator.

6 MW of power system continuously generates heat and electricity for greenhouses with a total area of 6 hectares. Electrical power supply complies with the requirements of heat in the greenhouse complex. In addition, the exhaust gases after catalytic generator sets clear back in the greenhouse in the form of CO2. Most of the 6 MW of produced energy goes to the national grid of Ukraine.

The heating system of the complex consists of a large number of thin pipes with hot water, evenly distributed over the greenhouses. Sensors indicate the humidity and temperature are continuously regulated by varying the temperature and flow rate of the circulating hot water. The gradual transition from daytime to nighttime temperature is significantly reduced thermal energy. To maintain a favorable climate control the system continuously monitors and analyzes the climatic parameters: temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, level of solar activity.

The control system on the basis of the data controls the systems such as ventilation, curtain, heating, drip irrigation, dosing of carbon dioxide. Drip irrigation is used for accurate dosing of fertilizers. UGC has chosen a system of drip irrigation because of its cost, namely the precise dosage amounts of water for each plant at the right time to fine-tune fertilizer application rates.

The plant widely implements cutting-edge developments in the field of vegetable production and laboratory control, the latest methods of grading and packing products. The company's products are in great demand by supermarkets and wholesalers. On the basis of UGC in 2000, the Ukrainian Central Agricultural Laboratory of soil, water and fertilizer was created. It was a gift of the Queen of the Netherlands to Ukraine. Nowadays the process of analysis in the laboratory is fully automated, which eliminates errors.

“Zeppelin Ukraine” cogeneration system (Mini-TES) Caterpillar was installed and serviced based on the G3520C generator set helped the UGC to implement their plans concerning the delivery of fresh vegetables to the consumer’s table in any point of Ukraine within 24 hours.

The phrase "fruits of Ukraine" has become a brand name. A generous sunny land, fertile land, crystal morning dews arise before my eyes. Nowadays UGC grows the freshest, tasty vegetables and fortified to become an ornament to any table.

Diplomas and awards

Cup of the regional winner of the All-Ukrainian contest of quality products "100 best goods of Ukraine" (2009)

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