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Uman Greenhouse Complex - Major League agronomy 02.07.2010

Tomatoes and cucumbers Uman Greenhouse (UGC) is well known Ukrainian and foreign customers with high quality, reasonable price and clear the name brand - "From the Garden." Now you can find on the shelves all year, because of existing capacity in 2009 added a unique greenhouse complex, which is unique in Ukraine yet.

Uman Greenhouse, of course, today is proud to Cherkasy region, which in its agricultural heritage has a number of world-class agro.

With the intensification of production - a greenhouse farm is one of the leaders of the domestic market of greenhouse vegetables, including tomatoes and cucumbers. The total area is 33 ha of greenhouses, which last year raised more than 16 tons of vitamin products.

The main production is concentrated in Uman and operate branches in Hristinovka and Talne. The company's products meet international standards: first plant in the former Soviet Union received the International Quality Certificate Global GAP, which allows you to export vegetable production to European countries.

"Greenhouse farming - the same agronomy - shares his experience factory director Nicholas proud. - But when compared with football, it's - the highest league. Today we are proud that rank second in the state in terms of production after our flagship - Agricultural Complex "Greenhouse" in Kyiv, led by Hero of Ukraine Volodymyr Chernyshenko ».

According to Nikolai Vasilyevich history Uman plant suffered ups, but never knew falling. Because there always worked caring people.

Sam Head - hereditary agriculturist who was born in this area and a child dreamed of being an agronomist. For the period ending Uman Agricultural Institute in 1973, continued construction of greenhouse plant, and the young specialist gladly agreed to work on it head agronomist. "So I'm at the plant - the first nail, and all agricultural technologies - it is my right hand" - smiles sincerely Gordius.

The company began work in 1974 as Uman mizhkolhospnyy educational and industrial Greenhouse. At that time it was a typical enterprise, the production consisted of six odnohektarnyh glass greenhouses, where used traditional domestic technologies.

The average yield of vegetables then treated at 21.4 kg per square meter, and in 1977 raised nearly 2 tons of greenhouse production.

Implement the best domestic and world achievements began in 1978 when Nicholas Gordius headed plant. Already a year on VDNH Plant received a gold medal, and a little later - he alone represented at the international exhibition "Agro-81" in Leipzig (GDR). The company already tried drip irrigation used soluble own site. In the early 1980's crop of vegetables at the plant has reached a mark of 35 kg per square meter.

The second date of birth factory labor group said in 2003, when all the band decided to move to the industrial production of greenhouse vegetables - a modern powerful enterprise.

The plant was able to implement several large investment projects, for which attracted leading Western companies and professionals. In 2006, completed construction of eight acres of greenhouses European type. The principal difference - 5 m height greenhouse, rather than the traditional 2.5 m instead of soil - hanging trays for each plant with hydroponics and drip irrigation, through which that water is always required complex nutrients. There is a new heating system - more thin tubes uniformly distributed in the greenhouse, so the heat is distributed accordingly, and can respond quickly to changes in temperature. All these computerized processes provide a special microclimate which creates lianopodibnym plants - tomatoes and cucumbers - their initial growth conditions.

The complex, which has no analogues in Ukraine

In 2009, under one roof for 5 ha at the plant introduced svitlokulturu - break of the system that allows you to grow tomatoes and cucumbers during the year. With these techniques feel natural plant and can fully use their genetic potential and give high yields. Thus Umansky plant was the most high-tech and large-scale object currently growing greenhouse vegetables.

Brand company - "From the Garden" - was only three years. But thanks to the quality and presence in most retail chains of Ukraine, it has gained favor consumers. Built in 2006, the complex logistics of the company - the largest in Ukraine, which, in essence, a customer-oriented business: Vegetables are packed in its original packaging from 250 grams, indicating detailed information on their origin.

"Our new facility - continues the story of Nikolai - built by the Dutch technology adapted to local realities. Introduced technology calculated through. But I tend to Holland, the country-kingdom of tulips, windmills and greenhouses. Because she, in fact, squeezed on small pieces of land conquered in the North Sea and its heroic people have to work constantly. They even royal motto, engraved on the arms of the state - "I exhi." The Dutch are constantly trying to invent something new, improve, improve, and that living standards are among the highest in the world ».

To reduce energy consumption in svitlokulturu at the plant implemented a system of making their own electricity using cogeneration plants. Also, the company dispose of waste gas gas compressor stations, pipelines, which reduces the use of gas for heating 12 ha of greenhouses by 60-70%. If the mid-1990s to produce kilogram of vegetables spent almost 5.7 cubic meters of gas, due to implemented enehrozberihayuchym technology last year it spent only 0.8 cubic meters per kilogram.

«Cultural cream - wild koreshky»

Plant seedlings provides himself, is nothing strange in that. But the only sector in Ukraine, which grows tomatoes on instilled roots: seedlings under each plant pryvyvayetsya on wild roots. "The Dutch technology - willingly shared information our interlocutor - requires professional surgical skills and conditions in the direct sense. We are doing this hard work for three years, and from an economic point of view it is a completely justified ».

Thanks photoculture number of plants per square meter significantly greater than that of conventional glass greenhouse - 3.3 plants. Each pidv'yazuyetsya of twine, which as pryspuskayetsya growth, creating a line of plant. In fruiting hybrid tomatoes come through 110-120 days from sowing, and optimal life cycle in 10-11 months reach a length of about 15 meters. During this time, with a square meter shoot up to 60 kg of product. Cucumbers of the commodity mass of blossom, reach for 7-10 days. With a square meter are more than 40 kg per year.

In this season a third of all areas occupied by cucumber. Now every day at the plant grows 30-40 tons of vegetables a day, late spring - it will be about 100 tons.

Vegetables - is always fresh and tasty decoration table treasure of vitamins and mineral elements necessary component of our diet. Therefore, try teplychnyky ever provide us crispy vitamins that you and I are healthy!


Diplomas and awards

Gold medal of the winner of the contest "Best products, technology and scientific invention" (2009)


Audit is ongoing under the GLOBALG.A.P standard. 20-06-2019 Uman Greenhouse Factory is undergoing another audit to meet the...