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PHILLIPS in Ukraine presents innovative solutions to improve the greenhouse business 29.09.2010
Kiev, Ukraine - The productivity of greenhouses depends on the lighting, which they use to stimulate plant growth. The company Philips, a world leader in lighting solutions, continuously improving its products. One of the novelties of this year - LED module GreenPower LED - will be able to increase yields by 18%. Another novelty - Master GreenPower Plus 1000W EL - with the same energy consumption will provide an additional 4% of light for plant growth.
Both new solutions from Philips Lighting greenhouses will be tested at the Uman greenhouse plant, which has already been successfully used by the development of Philips. Today, Ukraine - the second country in Europe after the Netherlands, where applicable, these innovative technologies. In some greenhouses Umansky company has installed LED modules Green Power LED. In the future, the traditional lamp GreenPower / Vision 1000W, whose life comes to an end, will be replaced by more sophisticated lamp Master GreenPower Plus 1000W EL.
Udo van Slot, director of the greenhouse lighting, Philips «Lighting" in the Netherlands: "We believe no accident that the most advanced technology from Philips Lighting greenhouses there is in Ukraine. To do this, there are both objective and subjective conditions. First, the country is suitable for the development of hothouse climate zone. Second, over the past few years we have seen that in Ukraine there are companies seeking to innovate, calculate the efficiency of their use and ready to invest in business development ».
Ukraine has become one of the pioneers in introducing innovative technologies in greenhouses thanks largely to the domestic companies' PPF Elektrosvit. " This is one of five companies in the world, which has received authorization for the production of electronic lamps for series lamps Philips GreenPower.
Igor Polishchuk, director of "PPF Elektrosvit": "Specifications of Philips are very high. And we are proud that we are the only company in Eastern Europe, whose products meet all necessary criteria. Our mission - to foster a hothouse of innovation in Ukraine, providing the most modern technical facilities. We believe - our production is located in Ukraine, in tandem with the use of advanced lighting solutions Philips will significantly improve business performance of domestic enterprises ».
After successful tests in the Netherlands a new LED module GreenPower LED will be tested in the greenhouse plant in Uman during the growing season 2010/2011. The first results are expected by June of next year.
Gordiy Nicholas, director of Uman greenhouse complex "system of lighting the lamp / ballast GreenPower / Vision 1000W, which were established in our greenhouses in the area of 5 ha in 2008, we provided a 25% increase in yield. With the new LED modules in conjunction with sodium lamps Philips, we expect to increase yields by 15-18% extra. "In addition to increasing light output by 4% sodium lamps new Master GreenPower Plus 1000W EL the most energy efficient in its class. According to preliminary estimates the payback period of investment will amount to 2-2.5 years.
Vadim Polyakov, Marketing Manager, Philips «Lighting" in Ukraine: "Greenhouse farming, especially in a country like Ukraine, can bring big profits. But only if it is innovative economy. We offer for Ukrainian entrepreneurs latest developments in lighting solutions and ready-made recipes to use them, for which the whole is a huge research potential Philips and long-term practical experiments. " New LED Module Green Power LED
- Suitable for multi-level cultivation of plants, especially seedlings.
- Use the optimum range and level of illumination for the growth of plants, installed in over 30 field tests.
- Saves 60% energy compared to conventional fluorescent lamps with the same results.
- The projected increase in crop yields, ceteris paribus - by 18%.
New lamps Master GreenPower Plus 1000W EL
- Emit 4% more light for growth at the same cost of electricity than comparable lamps previous generation GreenPower / Vision 1000W.
- Are a direct replacement GreenPower / Vision 1000W, which can improve the lighting system without any alterations.
GreenPower lamps and ballasts GreenVision 1000W
- They are used to improve the performance of greenhouses.
- Replaced the system with the traditional electromagnetic ballast.
- Reduce the load on the greenhouse. The new system compared to traditional weighs about 5 pounds less on one point of light.
- Has a long service life and greater resistance to thermal stress.
- Increases productivity by 25%.
About kompaniia Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) - an international company operating in the industry of "health and welfare," and focused on improving people's lives through timely innovations. As a world leader in healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, Philips integrates technologies and design solutions focused on people. The needs of consumers and the principle of "sense and simplicity" are at the heart of all company developments. The headquarters of Philips in the Netherlands, 116,000 employees working in representative offices in over 60 countries worldwide. Sales in 2009 totaled 23 billion euros. The company is a leader in developing equipment for cardiology, acute care and home health care, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting. The world leader in the consumer goods market, Philips sets a new standard in the segments of flat-panel TVs, electric razors and personal care products, portable TV and DVD, as well as instruments and tools for oral care.
About "PPF Elektrosvit»
The company "PPF Elektrosvit" was founded in 2003, the main activities are the development of lighting and electrical projects, development and manufacture of control systems for lighting, installation of lighting systems, as well as maintenance of lighting systems in the warranty and after warranty period. Since 2006, LLC "PPF Elektrosvit" is a production partner of Philips «Lighting" in Ukraine in the sphere of agro-technical.
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