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Uman Greenhouse Complex has become "The commodity producer of the year" 07.12.2011
Private lease farm Uman Greenhouse Сomplex up to 2011 results became the leader of the national ranking of goods and services quality among the business companies operating in vegetables, ornamental plants and growing production nurseries. The enterprise has won the status of “The producer of the year” and has got "The Quality Star". The Chief Mykola Gordiy was awarded with the medal "For Quality".
It’s not the first year when the Greenhouse holds the primacy in growing vegetables in greenhouses in Cherkasy Region. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers under the brand names "From the Garden" and "Gordiy" are in every major commercial networks of the country and exported abroad. Uman greenhouses area is 33 ha, as well as branches - in cities Khrystynivka and Talne.
- We are growing vegetables in greenhouses since 2003 - says the director of Uman Greenhouse Complex Mikola Gordiy. - Five years ago we started to apply the European type greenhouses, their height reach not 2.5 meters but 5. So this year we harvested 62 kg per square meters, this index is higher than the European.
Complex was the first in the former Soviet Union who received the International Quality Certificate GlobalG.A.P., which allows exporting vegetable products to Europe. The company has a modern laboratory of quality control "Demeter." The logistics complex of the company was built 2006, now it is the largest in Ukraine and is a business oriented customer. Logistics center provides an optimal solution for packing, packaging and dispatch of products according to customer wishes. Computer service processes documents in seconds, and the new type of storage provides the preserving of goods presentation within the required time.
- The success of any enterprise, it’s not only advanced technology and modern production - assures Mikola Gordiy. – The achievements depend on each employee first of all. No matter, this is vegetable grower, agronomist or director; the main thing is how you treat your work. We try to create conditions for each of our employees, to make people happy to come to work, to want to work, to give them the feeling of care. The recognition of the company - it is first of all the recognition of the staff professional work. We have adopted the best traditions of Dutch greenhouses that are known as the world leaders in this field. We create all conditions to ensure that our customers have delicious vegetables on the table, and to our staff the good working conditions.
During the crisis of 2008 the company had no cuts.
Uman Greenhouse Complex is one of the leaders in the region in terms of wages. There are 585 people, the average salaries on the enterprise is 3,4-3,5 thousand.
The employees are provided with the free bus to get on work and home. There is free hostel for Non-Family Safe workers. The company has a dining room.
- I work here almost a year - says vegetable grower Alice, 20 years. - Wages are paid in time. I live in a dormitory. We have good accommodation, good repair. Staff is friendly. It is pleasure to go to work, because the plants are experiencing.
- We work hard, but we love our job, feel concern for our director - said the head of the second branch Lubchik Iulia, 29. - Who comes for employment, stay with us.
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