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Mykola Gordiy «Work is my life!» 13.05.2011

Today Uman Greenhouse is one of the leading companies, both in technical and technological point of view, advanced in the vegetable protected ground of Ukraine.

Mykola Gordiy began his career in 1973 after Uman Agricultural Institute, as a senior agronomist of the greenhouse-vegetable farm named after Kalinin in the village of Palanka,  Uman district, Cherkasy region. In 1976, Mykola, who at that time had already become the chief agronomist of Uman inter-farm greenhouse vegetable plant, dreamed of a large modern vegetable production with the new technologies. The time had come - and the dream has begun to be true: in 1979, Mykola Gordiy led the newly established Uman Greenhouse. The profession has become his true mission, and the complex – the meaning of his life. "I can not imagine my life without work - he says. - Work - this is my life! »

As for the 1st of January 2011 the complex possessed 32.6 hectares of greenhouses and 10 m2 well equipped warehouses with modern logistics center. According to Mykola V., the key to successful operation of modern enterprises – the new energy saving technologies and constant updating of equipment involved in the work.

By the way, in 2009 Uman greenhouse complexes gained the international standard GlobalGAR which guarantees high quality products and allows entering the international market trade. One of the components of the success of the company is a constant search and cultivation of varieties of vegetables, which are notable for great tasting, high utility value and satisfy the refined taste of consumers. In 2006, consumers had submitted a new brand - "From the Garden" in 2010 - "Gordiy».

History remembers many plant transformations and changes, problems time and victories. When in 2002 the general meeting of the staff made the decision of the reorganization, or to be exact - of the creation of the market-type enterprise, it was actually the second birth of the plant.

The Dutch technologies in conjunction with the Ukrainian diligence plus talented leadership and "nepotism" in the best sense of the word, these are the combine elements of success of the company and its director. With a large team of associates at the plant, the whole family of Mykola Vasyliovych works for the better future. Mykola Gordiy argues that the main value of the plant - people. The Director’s cabinet is always open for every employee and pensioner of the enterprise. The strategic course of "Uman greenhouse complex" remains the same: an increase in production of high-quality vegetable production through the use of advanced energy saving technologies. The enterprise Management Board understands that only the quality, competitive products and stability help to stay on the market. The plant regularly takes part in various exhibitions and competitions.

Diplomas and awards

Diploma of a participant of exhibition-fair "AGRO - 2008"


Beginning of the harvest time of 2014 02-12-2013 New harvest time of 2014 has begun at Uman Greenhouse Complex.